Our Mission is simple - To support the university’s collective impact through ensuring campus operations run smoothly while exceeding student, faculty, and staff service expectations. This is accomplished by providing cost effective and reliable operations and maintenance to minimize interruptions and create a safe, comfortable and clean campus for all to facilitate and sustain an enhanced collaborative and successful research based learning environment into the future for our students to grow, learn, and succeed.

                                  Work Order Campus Map


                                  UCF Students, Faculty and Staff: For more information on the plans to return to campus, please visit the 现在能用的vp page.
                                  For more information on COVID-19 HVAC precautionary measures, please visit the HVAC Frequently Asked Questions.
                                  For more information on COVID-19 Housekeeping Frequently Asked Questions, please download the UCF Housekeeping FAQ
                                  For approval of Plexiglass Barriers and Shields to limit the spread of COVID-19, please download and complete this form
                                  For all other questions, please contact the Work Control Center at 407-823-5223 or wcc@ucf.edu.

                                  Submit Online Request



                                  Order New FO Badge

                                  Check Work Order Status

                                  Login to AiM


                                  Maintenance & Housekeeping
                                  Call 24/7: (407) 823-5223
                                  Email: wcc@ucf.edu


                                  In urgent situations, such as an inoperative elevator, toilet running over, power outage, an extremely hot or cold room, or an alarm which won't turn off, call the Work Control Center immediately!
                                  Call day or night seven days a week: 407-823-5223 or email wcc@ucf.edu.



                                  LABOR RATES: The labor rates for FY21 will remain the same as FY20. You can view the rate chart here: http://vfssen.wcbzw.com/laborrates


                                  NEW CAMPUS MAP: http://secure.fs.ucf.edu/aimmap
                                  An interactive campus map has been created for viewing work orders in each building. Information from this map is pulled from the AiM database and requires an NID login to view. The default view shows open high priority corrective work, but you can customize your view using the filters up top. Just click RESET to go back to the default view. This is the first version of the map and we have plans to make improvements in the future, but give it a try and let us know what you think! If you have any questions, please contact fowebhelp@ucf.edu.